Sunday, November 1, 2009

Nerfed to the ground

I knew this day would come, the nerf hammer just hit us!

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  • We interrupt our regular programming to bring you a square kick in the balls:
  1. Sacred Shield can now only occur every 30 sec. (Up from 6 sec)
  2. Lay on Hands can no longer be cast on yourself.
  3. Infusion of Light now also reduces the cooldown on the effect of Sacred Shield by 12/24 sec.
  4. Aura Mastery now lasts 6 sec. (Down from 10 sec)

4 Nerfs in 1 patch notes, OUCH!

Sacred Shield can now only occur every 30 sec. (Up from 6 sec)

Sacared Shield nerf is critical to paladins that focused on SP more than Int stacking, like i used to do, since the absorb effect stacks with SP.

to avoid this, i started mindlessly stacking Int like other pallys, and guess what?

i fucking hate it.

Lay on Hands can no longer be cast on yourself.

This sucks too, its one of our most used to survive during PVP or even PVE with a shit load of damage happening to both of you and the tank, its also a major spell to regenerate mana, i use it most of the time on myself to get mana back, its awesome, and they broke it! damn Blizz

Infusion of Light now also reduces the cooldown on the effect of Sacred Shield
by 12/24 sec.

Oh yeah? i want it back to 6 secs kkthnxbai.

Aura Mastery now lasts 6 sec. (Down from 10 sec)

This is a big nerf, i used to use Aura Mastery at hodir for the frozen blows, If i used it on the first one,the cooldown would finish right after Hodir uses his frozen blows for the 3rd time, thats half of the healing for 2 frozen blows and maximum healing at the 2nd, its not that big nerf, but still its a nerf.

Well, maybe my LVL 63 hunter will get some lvling and loving now.

No i am not quiting because of some nerfs that hit us, i just dont want to QQ anymore :P


  1. Looks like they've already taken LoH out of the patch notes. I can't say of the rest really bothers me. The SS nerf is harsh, but I don't think it'll hurt since it wasn't the most reliable spell in the first place. And I can't remember the last time I took Aura Mastery into my healing spec.

  2. Actually, I take that back, Sacred Shield is a decent spell. But I don't see the nerf... 30-24 = 6, no? It'll be a bit of a slap to prot paladins who have to do their own SS, but it shouldn't change too much for holy.

    Unless you're being sarcastic, in which case I totally didn't pick up on it.

  3. Ophelie i disagree with you.
    Aura Mastery is a very overpowered spell to have, not only it gives you immunity to interrupts, but it also can give you more shadow, frost or fire resist, more armor for tanks and much more.

    about the SS, yes i was sarcastic, my dual spec is prot, so it will hurt.
    but it effect ret pvpers more i guess.

  4. Yeah, now that I'm doing content that's a bit more challenging and that I'm healing full time, I'm seeing the usefulness of Aura Mastery. When you run with 7 healers and stick to content you overgear, the need isn't there as much.

    I added it to my latest spec and am looking to experiment with it a bit in the BGs.
