I really love playing a paladin, I've been playing one for over 2 years now, and I'm loving every second of it, Paladins are like my heroes.
I always ask my self, whats the meaning of being a paladin, being so infused with light, killing all sorts of evil everywhere.
Sadly, there are some people playing paladins just like me, who make us look really bad
and i keep thinking that we are having some bad reputation from all of them nerd raging.
To all the people who changed spec to ret back in late TBC days, and suck at it till now.
You are not.
I don't think it really is that awesome, however people who has been playing a holy paladin since the start of this game, and still doing so.
Signed: a nerd raged Holy paladin.
This rant has been brought to you by:holy paladin who got his ass given to him by a ret paladins face-rolling in arena.
the story of this post is:
I played a game of arena with my buddy headstab, a 2 ret pally team came to me, and got me down in 0.5 seconds.
sorry for posting while still under nerd rage >_<
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